By Allan Aclan.
It is Wednesday of Holy Week and as the Melbourne Seminarians are continuing to prepare for the Easter Triduum, the preparation would not be complete without a visit to Our Lady Ta’ Pinu Shrine in Bacchus Marsh. We started our day the best way possible with Morning Prayer at the chapel. We then had Mass once arrived at Our Lady Ta’ Pinu Shrine. Rector Fr Denis Stanley’s homily reminds us of the reality of human nature and the constant need for God in our lives.
After our souls had been fed, it was time for us to start our annual Stations of the Cross. The incredible sculptures at each station took our meditations to the next level and each of those sculptures are definitely worth looking at in detail. Next, our physical bodies were nourished with a delicious lunch provided by the generous staff of Ta’Pinu. We then headed off to a nearby park to have a bit of fun!
We played a bit of everything: soccer, cricket, footy and rugby. It was a fun experience for myself and other first years as we were able to experience solidarity and cultivate friendship with our brother seminarians. Now that we have had ample time to rest, reflect and do a bit of exercise, it is time to look towards and enter into the very important next few days of the Liturgical Calendar: The Easter Triduum.