By Nicolas Calandra
Alone with God. Taking stock. Recharging the spiritual batteries. That's what a silent retreat is about. And the Church wants her priests and seminarians to do one each year.
This retreat was excellent. We stayed up in Pallotti College, nestled in the mountainside of the Yarra Ranges, a good hour and a half drive from Melbourne.
This gem afforded the recollection, stillness, and natural beauty necessary to help the soul detach from the hectic occupations of daily life to refocus totally on our Lord.
One thing that was great was having our phones taken away. About the second day into the retreat, I realised there was an email I had forgotten reply to. "Well, that's that," I thought to myself. "No need to worry about it now." It was really freeing.
Each day included praying the Divine Office, Holy Mass at midday, Adoration, and time for personal mental prayer and walks around the mountain and forest paths nearby. Each day there would be two spiritual conferences given by the priest directing the retreat, Fr Terence Kennedy C.Ss.R.
Like a true son of St Alphonsus, his conferences were filled with both rich theology, and practical insights, and sprinkled with engaging anecdotes and examples. I couldn't help taking copious notes. Fr Kennedy was generous with giving his time in spiritual direction and reconciliation.
I think we all agree that this was a very special retreat.