By Nicolas Calandra
Last Sunday we were pleased to have the Serrans visit the seminary. The Serrans are a group of lay faithful who promote vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. They do this first and foremost by an apostolate of prayer. Each Serra member undertakes to pray each day for vocations to the priesthood and religious life: "pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest" (Lk 10:2). They also undertake fundraising to support the formation of priests and religious. Overall, they seek to create a culture promoting vocations in the Church. Their name is from their patron, Saint Juniperro Serra, the Franciscan missionary priest responsible for the evangelisation of what is now California.
At 11:30 am Fr. Cameron Forbes, the College Rector, and Fr. Gerard Dowling, the Serra Chaplain, celebrated the Solemn Mass. Sacred music included hymns and a polyphonic motet sung by the seminarian schola. In his homily, Fr. Forbes spoke about the thirst of Christ. In Jesus' encounter at the well with the Samaritan woman, he thirsted just as he did on the cross. His thirst was more than a physical thirst, but "a thirst for souls." The priestly vocation is also "a thirst for souls" and "a thirst to come closer to God." He also spoke about how Christ's speaking of himself as living water is this invitation for Christ to work in our lives.
Following the Mass, the Serrans shared a lunch with the seminarians. John Short, the Melbourne Serra Club president, gave an address speaking about the work and apostolate of the club.
We at Corpus Christi College are very grateful for their work and support. We assure them all of our prayers in gratitude to their dedication to promoting vocations. Anyone interested in learning more about the Serra Club may visit the international website at