By Josh McDermid
On Sunday 10 March the seminary community was privileged to welcome members of the Victoria Serra clubs to Corpus Christi College for their annual visit. We first celebrated a Mass for Laetare Sunday, presided by Vice-Rector, Fr Brian Nichols, who, in his homily, spoke strongly of the need to balance speaking of sin with speaking of salvation, emphasising that as Pope Francis has reminded us, God desires all to be saved.
Deacon Cay Trinh proclaiming the Gospel with seminarians Yousif Alkateb and Yohan Wickramasekera serving as candle-bearers.
We then moved to a lunch prepared by our chef, Jeff Blew. This was a fantastic opportunity for conversation between the seminarians and the Serrans, who had come from the Melbourne, Oakleigh Deanery, Bendigo, and Sale Serra clubs. Between main course and dessert, we were addressed by the president of the Melbourne Serra Club, John Short. He gave us some contextual information about what Serra International is, that is, the global lay apostolate for vocations within the Catholic Church. Mr Short also spoke to us about St Junipero Serra, after whom the apostolate is named, and detailed the prayer and work in which the Serrans are engaged on a daily basis.
President of the Melbourne Serra Club, John Short, addressing his fellow Serrans and the Corpus Christi College community.
This was also the first visit of the Serrans to Corpus Christi College since the passing of the former chaplain of the Melbourne Serra Club, Fr Gerard Dowling, so we took this opportunity to remember him both in our intercessions during Mass and during our lunch. Finally, our time together concluded with coffee and more conversation. We thank the Serrans for visiting us again this year, for the practical work they do, and especially for their daily prayers which sustain us in our priestly formation.