The Source and Summit

By Dawn Saji


“Lord our God, for all the helps and blessings You have bestowed on us and for which we can never be grateful enough, we offer You never-ending praise and glory in the Church, crowned like a spouse with every goodness and grace.” This is a prayer taken from the Syro-Malabar liturgy. To me, the Eucharist has truly been the core of my spiritual life and I can never thank God enough for it.

It was at the end of Year 12, that I happened to attend a retreat explaining the Holy Qurbana, the liturgy of the Syro-Malabar Church. My mind was blown at all the symbolisms, rich prayers and gestures that I had not given much thought to beforehand. After knowing more about the Holy Qurbana, I started falling in love with it. I made sacrifices for attending daily Holy Qurbana at my parish either before or afterward my university classes.

It became the highlight of my day; giving each day a fresh zeal. I was able to offer up daily all the struggles related to living a truly Christian life, all the pains of the day, penances undertaken, studies, spiritual growth of family and friends etc.

It was through daily Holy Qurbana that I felt the initial calling to the vocation of priesthood; to live a life of complete surrender to God. I started engaging in more missionary activities such as teaching catechesis in my parish and once a month helping at a soup kitchen. This eventually led me to further discernment in the seminary and where I am now.

The Eucharist is no doubt the greatest treasure in the world; the source and summit of the Christian faith; the sacrament of love.