By Gerard Martin
The first years spent Holy Week and Easter at the seminary whilst the others were out in parishes. We were blessed with the opportunity to serve at St Patrick’s Cathedral and this was a beautiful and unforgettable experience. Being able to take part in the Church’s highest liturgical celebration was so deeply profound. All of us appreciated taking part in the celebrations as we had different roles each time. This proved to be quite beneficial as we all learnt many things about the Church’s celebrations.
We made our way to and from the cathedral for rehearsals and Masses walking through Carlton Gardens, sharing meaningful conversations and a few laughs. It was a great time for the first years to deepen our fraternal friendship once again.
In addition to being together at the Cathedral we visited Ta Pinu Shrine, played sport, cooked, and watched The Passion of Christ as well as patted a curious possum! It was a great week, that I and the other boys thoroughly enjoyed, and we look forward to whatever the next Holy Week entails!