The Episcopal Trustees of Corpus Christi College (the regional Seminary for Victoria and Tasmania) announced the appointment of Rev. Dr Cameron Forbes as the new Rector of the Seminary. Father Forbes will succeed Very Rev. Denis Stanley as the 18th Rector of the Seminary on 22 January 2023.
In accepting the appointment, Fr Forbes said, ‘I am grateful to Archbishop Comensoli and the Bishop Trustees for placing their trust in me with this appointment.
‘I would very much like to express my thanks to Father Stanley, for his pastoral and paternal leadership as Rector for the last six years.
'Serving the local and universal Church in this role is a great privilege, and one that I take very seriously. I look forward to working with a dedicated team of clergy and laity in continuing the vital mission of supporting our seminarians as they discern God's call to the priesthood.'
Born and raised in Melbourne in the Anglican tradition, Father Forbes completed degrees in Arts and Law at the University of Melbourne and became a Catholic following discernment during his time working in both governmental and legal fields. He undertook his formation for the priesthood at Corpus Christi College, and was ordained in 2009, serving in the parish of Werribee before completing a licentiate and doctorate in moral theology at the Alphonsianum Academy in Rome. Father Forbes also holds a Masters in Liturgical Music.
A member of the Corpus Christi College staff from 2016, Father Forbes became Vice-Rector in 2018 and served at the Seminary until the end of the 2020 academic year upon taking up an appointment as Parish Priest of Mentone–Parkdale East. He is currently Head of the Department of Moral Theology and Canon Law at Catholic Theological College (CTC) and is a lecturer with research interests in the development and relevance of Christian just war principles; and the relationship between authentic friendship; and social media use. Father Forbes is also Chaplain to the Melbourne Catholic Lawyers’ Association, and to the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre.
Father Denis also expressed his welcome for the appointment, ‘In 2023 Corpus Christi College will celebrate its Centenary Year. This marks a long history in the discernment and formation of men for priestly leadership. I am confident that Father Cameron will bring commitment and his own remarkable gifts to the role of Rector as the Seminary moves into the future.’
Please pray for Fr Forbes and our Seminary and for many more vocations to the Priesthood 🙏
Throwback to Fr Forbes’ farewell dinner as staff from 2016 and as Vice-Rector from 2018-2020.